How can we practice reading?

איך מתרגלים קריאה באנגלית? קוראים נכון 1

Can you practice phonics and still have fun??
Nice to meet you – reading right 1
After playing with numbers and colours, and after learning the ABC, we are beginning to understand a little. But letters alone are not enough. When teaching letters it is always worthwhile to teach a whole word. If, for example, we start with C – A – T, we have the word “cat”. Then we can add one letter “F”, and we have the expression A FAT CAT. Another one – “S”, and we already have a complete sentence:  A FAT CAT SAT.
This is the way to start reading, slowly but happily. Reading right.

reading right 1
playing is the best practice

English is not very complicated to read. Yes (sigh), it is not phonetic, there are many exceptions, but it is a lot easier than Greek, or French.
There are enough “reading rules” that we can rely on and the games “reading right 1-5” will lead us step by step until we master reading!
Here we go:
“Reading right 1” is the basis for reading in English; the game which makes all the children- *all of them* – read English. No kid is left behind. My teacher friends tell me that adults enjoy the games as well, closing the gaps that they have been experiencing for years. How exciting!

And believe me, the most dyslexic kids, the most ADHD, the most whatever-reason, in the end they read. My experience is that anyone who managed to read in his or her own language can read English.
So, how does it work? 
Reading right 1 contains ten sets / foursomes / quartets. Five with vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and five with diagraphs (letter combinations – ch, sh, ph, thx2).
Each set is labeled  with a letter and a picture clue. These words are simple and familiar. They are used as a clue for those who don’t yet remember the sounds. (For example: u-umbrella, ch-chips).

משחק להכרת כללי קריאה בסיסיים באנגלית
the fun way to practice reading!

Each set has 4 words. The first word listed on each card is always the word corresponding to the picture. That’s the clue.
When we ask for a card, we ask:

Do you have “u / umbrella”?
This way we repeat both the name and the sound of the letter. Believe me, repetition has never been more fun …:)

Each card has one word highlighted in yellow. This is our word. We will ask the players for the other words until we have all four cards of the same set, each with a different highlighted yellow word. 

You can start with five sets and add one more at a time. The order is not very important.

Oh, and while working on reading, you could read road signs on the way, food packages in the supermarket or apps names on the phone.

Enjoy and succeed.

gamelish, fun and beyond!


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הכי פופולרי


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