new home, new horizons

So here we are.
Our remodeled  website is now open to the public..
It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to the old, cozy design.. so we kept some of the features. This is how we were…

Now, the gamelish website has become a store, where you can buy all our games using paypal and credit cards.
But it’s also a place to share your ideas, thoughts, needs, comments, pictures..
We’d love you to visit, buy, read, write, share, like, pass it on..

playing happy
But most important of all – play! Be happy and play the games!
After all, this is what we are here for!
Thank you so much!
See you soon
P.S. Been here? Drop us a line..


השאירו תגובה

הכי פופולרי


“reading right 1” and “talking about animals” were two of our first games, and they are among the most popular. This year we have decided

קראו עוד »

הכי אחרון

נרשמים לניוזלטר ומקבלים עדכונים

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נרשמים לניוזלטר ומקבלים עדכונים

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