The tale of the reused tablecloth

I love working with a tablecloth on the table. There’s always one on my work desk. Last year I found out that my favourite white tablecloth became dirty and washing it didn’t help. Since I don’t like to throw away beloved items, I decided to use it in a lesson. So we got two for the price of one: writing in English, as well as recycling and conservation.  I bought markers resistant to water and each child wrote something on the tablecloth. The little ones wrote their names and the older kids chose their favourite sentences: proverbs, expressions and quotes. The oldest wrote one of the human rights they found especially significant out of the Declaration of Human Rights we had learned in previous lessons.
They learned and wrote in English.
I got my tablecloth back.
It was fun.
It can be done with old shirts, tablecloths and napkins, blank cups and any object that can still be used.
From time to time, they check if the names are still here.
Enjoy your day and don’t forget to play 🙂


השאירו תגובה

הכי פופולרי


“reading right 1” and “talking about animals” were two of our first games, and they are among the most popular. This year we have decided

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