time to rhyme, reading right 6

Nice to meet you ๐Ÿ™‚ one game a day, with a few words about rhymes and why they are good for the human brain.
When my daughter and my nephew were young, we loved to lie on the carpet and rhyme together: cat โ€“ hat, room โ€“ boom, and the all-time hit, Hanna โ€“ Banana. We especially loved rhyming nonsense words.ย  There were many rhyming books on the shelf. English nursery rhymes – such as Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star โ€“ gave us hours of chanting, singing and laughing.

Cartoon mouse on top of smiling mantle clock

Hickory Dickory Dock

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Much has been written about the importance of rhyming in childhood.ย Rhymes create a sense of pleasure for both the young and the old โ€“ in any language.ย  But rhymes also teach kids how a ย language works; children pay attention to the components of words and thus improve their phonological awareness. Rhyming helps children learn the rhythm of a language at a time when they innately read with movement and expression. Rhyming songs and stories train the brain to predict, which can help children with reading and predicting patterns, which are more easily remembered, helping with writing and spelling. Rhyming encourages children to use their imaginations, engraving an image of the words in the mind, like the first lines of Hanna โ€“ Banana. The ability to rhyme is an early predictor of reading success. Whatever the experts and researchers say, for us rhymes are the best.
I first wanted to make a rhyming game because I thought it would be fun. In the end, it turned out to be fun, but also extremely educational.
Surprise: The older kids like it a lot and they ask questions about the language: “Why is it like that?” ย They understand a lot about the English language: spelling, pronunciation, its connection to other languages, and its deeper meanings.

So what do we have in this game? Ten foursomes divided into easier and more complex sets.
Simple: ship-zip-clip
More complex: mole-goal-soul-bowl

That’s it. Now letโ€™s play. You can find the game reading right 6 here


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